Termite Control

Termite Management:

There is a reason why termites are known as the “silent destroyers”. It is because of their ability to chew through wood undetected. Apart from wood they also feed on other cellulose based materials such as paper, books, insulation and even swimming pool liners and filtration systems.

Each year, termites are known to have caused more than $5 billion in property damage. Knowing the level of damage these termites can cause, it is vital to pay attention to such threats as over time you could lose personal belongings and property. Termites are very much capable of damaging the monetary value of your property as well.

The most common types of termites you may encounter in the PAKISTAN are subterranean termites. These are social insects that live in colonies in the soil. Each subterranean termite colony has a queen. The queen can live up to 25 years and can lay approximately 2000 eggs a day. So that’s well over 18 million eggs in her entire lifetime!

Termite Control

Subterranean termite colonies contain various castes of termites, which there are 3 main castes that you would mostly notice:

  • Workers
  • Soldiers
  • Alates (Winged Primary Reproductive)


Termite Control

Subterranean termite workers are the ones responsible for all the labour in the colonies. These would involve duties such as taking care of the young, repairing the nest, building mud tunnels and locating and feeding food to all the other castes in the colony.


Termite Control

Subterranean termite soldiers have the responsibility to defend the colony. They protect the colony from any outside threat. They can be identified by their enlarged heads which have enlarged mandibles (jaws). These jaws are used to slice and kill enemies such as ants.

Alates (Primary Winged Reproductive):

Termite Control

Alates are winged swarmers that eventually become king and queen termites. They are the only termites with wings in the colony and this is for the purpose of taking a short flight to find other suitable places to mate and start a colony of their own. Once they have found a suitable place underground, they spend the rest of their lives there. In much more mature colonies there is another termite caste called secondary reproductive termites that assist in producing the eggs.

Even though subterranean termites are good for the environment as they play a major role in recycling wood, they are also the most destructive insects for buildings/homes that have several cellulose based materials such as wooden frames, doors, fixtures, furniture and books. They work from the ground up and are small enough to fit through the cracks and crevices in the concrete to access this cellulose based materials and consume them. They usually escape notice for a while as they feed on everything on the inside of the infested structure but leaving the exterior completely intact. The damage caused to your home/building could very likely be extensive before it is discovered.

Given the years of experience our team has, coupled with the effective and eco-friendly termiticides used, we ensure that a detailed inspection and service is carried out to get rid of these termites so that they are no longer a nuisance to you.

5 Ways to Know If Your Home is Under Attack By Termites:

Out of the approximately 2,000 known species of termites, the most common type you will encounter in the PAKISTAN is the subterranean termites. These termites are social insects that live in colonies in the soil.

The three main classes of subterranean termites that you may come across are alates (swarmers), soldiers, and workers. Each of these classes have their respective responsibilities, such as searching for food, feeding other termites in the colony, defending the colony, and creating other colonies.

The main sources of food for subterranean termites are wood and any cellulose-based material such as paper. Which is why, in the search for food, these insects will make their way into your home through the wood-based material connecting your house to the ground, or through tiny cracks in concrete walls and foundations, or even through mud tunnels they create. It is also important to remember that these termites work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so it won’t take long for them to infest your home.

Here are some signs that can indicate the presence of termites in your home

1. Mud Tubes/Tunnels:

Termite Control

The most obvious sign that helps determine the presence of termites is mud tunnels. Sometimes, in order for them to be protected from any outside threats and have safe passage between their colony and their food source, termites create mud tunnels using their faeces, saliva and mud.

If you notice these in your home, then it is very likely your house is under a termite attack.

2. Damaged Wood:

Termite Control

Termites eat away wood on the inside, leaving the exterior structure completely intact. However, one way to still detect the presence of termites is the observance of distinct patterns on the infested wood structure.

Also, if knocking on the structure produces a hollow sound, this is another indicator that the structure’s interior has been eaten away. Further signs are the crumbling of the wood structure when pressure is applied to it, and the peeling of paint.

3. Swarmers and their Wings:

Termite Control

Termite swarmers are dark brown/black-coloured male and female reproductives that indicate the presence of a mature colony either inside your home or within the vicinity of your home. These swarmers emerge from their colony in search of other suitable areas to start their own colonies with their mates. They are the only class of termites that have wings and they drop their wings right before they find a suitable place to nest.

So if you see swarmers or a pile of dropped wings around your house, this is a clear sign of an active termite colony. Termite swarmers are also attracted to light, so if you happen to see a group of swarmers near a light source, this too can be an indicator of a termite infestation.

Special Note: Termite swarmers can be mistaken for flying ants but they can be differentiated by their antennae, body and wing size. If in doubt, do reach out to a pest control professional who can assist you in the matter.

4. Clicking/Rattling Sounds:

Termite Control

Soldier termites are the line of defence for the colony. If ever a threat is sensed, the soldiers would be at the forefront to protect the worker termites and attack the predators. But, more importantly, if soldier termites sense any danger, they warn the rest of the colony by banging their heads against the wood or by shaking their bodies.

These defensive actions are what produces the clicking/rattling sounds that we hear coming from the walls or wooden structures.

5. Debris Piles:

Termite Control

If you regularly keep your house clean and still see random piles of debris at the bottom of wooden structures such as door frames, cupboards and tables the very next day, this too can be a indicator of a termite infestation.

People often say ‘ignorance is bliss’, but when it comes to termites, we always say ‘the more you know, the better’. Termites are well known to cause home/building owners millions in property damage, so they cannot be overlooked. If you happen to observe any of these signs, be sure to get in touch with a licensed termite professional immediately.

We, at Pestex, have been in the termite control industry for the last 30 years. So, you can be absolutely certain that we will provide you with the best solution to protect your home from termites and prevent any future attacks.

It is also important to understand that, even if you do not observe any of the above signs of termite activity, this does not necessarily guarantee their absence. Termites are experts in going undetected, which is why if you do begin to see these signs of termite activity, it may be only months or even years after they have invaded your home. By this time, they will have already established their colony and caused significant structural damage.

As market leaders in this industry, our professional advice is to stay one step ahead and prevent your home from falling victim to a termite infestation. Contact Pestex today to schedule a free termite inspection.

Termites cause damages worth billions of dollars in structures each year.

  • Termites live in hidden colonies based on specific roles such as reproductive, workers and soldiers.
  • Their infestations can be misinterpreted for attack from carpenter ants, carpenter bees, beetles and fungus.
  • The correct identification is imperative for successful control.

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