Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solution is designed to provide businesses with effective and environmentally-friendly pest management and pest control solutions uniquely tailored to your needs, proactively preventing the risk and impact of costly pest infestations.
Integrated pest management employs a combination of practices to eliminate the root causes of pest infestations. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests, their behavior, biology and interactions with the environment.
This information is collected to effectively manage pest infestations by the most economical means and with the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment.
At Pestex, our IPM solutions focus on prevention to help you mitigate the risk of infestation and potential contamination across your plant buildings.
Our IPM plan is based on four basic principles:
IPM minimizes the risk of pest infestations, reduces dependency on chemical treatments and protects your business reputation.
At Pestex, we offer the broadest and most advanced pest control service solutions in the industry, covering many pest types and compliance in differing regulatory environments.